We went to Son's piano performance on Sunday. In some ways it sucked big time--crowded, parents had to sit in the balcony, and some carols were played many times by different groups. A little boring.
The premise of the performance was unique--duets on multiple pianos played simultaneously. It was terrific when it worked--it sounded like one big, rich piano. When it didn't work (when students weren't playing at the same pace), it sounded like a bunch of cats were loose in a piano store. Son's group played Pachebel's Canon in D Major flawlessly. There were some other great performances--the Christmas bells one that my older daughter sings "Ding! Fries are done! Ding! Fries are done!" every holiday season was my favorite piece.
The only thing that really bothered me was the decision by the teachers to play at the end of the concert. C'mon, folks. We're parents and grandparents and siblings of the kids performing. We don't need to hear you showing off playing 2 pieces that added an additional 15 minutes to what was already a long concert. I was beyond ready to go by the end.
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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