One of my students wet herself--thoroughly. Puddle-on-the-floor wet. Guess who told her she had to wait until after the science test to use the restroom? Yeppers-'twas me.
To be fair to myself, I'd like the world to know that we had just passed the restroom on our way back to the classroom and some students went at that time. It's a frequent occurrence that we pass the restroom and students (see the restroom, have sudden urge to pee) ask to go and I always say yes. Always. Why didn't she ask then? And, if she had to go so badly, why wasn't she doing the pee-pee dance when she asked? Why, oh why?
Thankfully, because God takes care of children and idiot-teachers, no one noticed. When we went to lunch, she remained seated--that's when I noticed her dilemma. After the line left the room, I got her to the nurse's office, unseen by anyone. Mom was at work (an hour away) and so the bookkeeper went to the dollar store and got her a new outfit. It all worked out.
She'll get to use the restroom whenever she asks for the rest of the year--my husband and I decided she's got a "golden ticket" to go. Pun intentional.
And I still feel so bad about it.
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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