Moses came bounding into my classroom on Monday morning. "Mrs. Matters! Mrs. Matters! Mrs. Matters!" he said, "I fell ten feet and landed on my back yesterday!"
"Oh, Moses! Were you hurt? Did it knock the wind out of you?"
"Yeah, it did, but what I really want to know is why did it take so long to fall? I mean, I know it didn't take very long but it seemed to take forever! I just fell and fell and fell! Why did it feel like it took a long time?"
"I don't know, Moses. I'll have to think about that one."
Three hours later. . .
"Mrs. Matters! Mrs. Matters! Mrs. Matters! Did you think about it? About why it took so long to fall?"
See why I like him so much? Never dull, always excited. He fell ten feet, knocked his breath out, and he's wondering why it felt like it took so long. That's Moses. And I actually did think about it. I told him about my car wreck last spring. It, too, felt like it took forever. I think that happens when we're in danger--our brain speeds up and the world feels like it has slowed down. I explained this to Moses (and the rest of the class) and Moses was so excited about the idea of having a "speeded-up brain".
Moses and a speeded-up brain. That would be interesting!
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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