Today marked the first week since fall break where I've taught for 5 consecutive days. It was exhausting. I guess, in the interest of full disclosure, that I should admit that I left 30 minutes early to take my son to a rehearsal for a piano performance.
The rehearsal is in the big city, about an hour away from here. In order to be sure to get there on time for the 4:40 rehearsal, we left at 3:05. We were going along at a fine pace until we hit the big city's Friday afternoon rush hour traffic--egads, how do people (my daughters!) stand to live and drive there every freakin' day? The last 6 miles took 40 minutes. My stupid GPS must be stuck to "scenic route" or something because we were traversing back roads and byways to get there. Finally got to the campus and couldn't find the music building. A kindly safety worker led us there and we ran into the building only 10 minutes late. Sigh.
The scheduled 30 minute lesson lasted less than 20 minutes. Son was on stage with his duet partner for, oh, about 8 minutes.
We left, quickly snagged in the same rush hour traffic (it was just 8 minutes later!), and got home about 90 minutes later.
Let's see--100 minutes there, 8 minutes for the lesson, 90 minutes back.
It just doesn't add up.
And we get to do it again tomorrow.
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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