I'll just pretend I'm in another time zone. . .
My mom's home from the hospital. She had a calcified stent (one of the old ones) that was removed by an inventive use of a balloon angioplasty and replaced with a new stent. She's tired, but doing well.
I've been a bad girl today--ordered 13 books from Amazon. Once upon a time, I read mostly mysteries but now my tastes run to fantasy. My favorite fantasy author is Jim Butcher, and I'm currently rereading his Aleran Chronicles because the sixth and final book will be released on Nov. 24. Oh, that's another book I have on order. Today I ordered the first nine books of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Later, when talking with my son (the one in grad school), he mentioned a book series he's reading (A Song of Ice and Fire), so I ordered that too. Damn Amazon--it's just too easy!
My house is full of books, despite the fact that I gave over a hundred to the local library about a year ago. That was a mere tip of the iceberg. My 2 six-foot bookshelves in my bedroom are double-stacked and double-faced. I have stacks of books in my living room and my kitchen. I usually keep a book on the toilet tank. I cannot not read something bound every day. (An awkward sentence, but I like it.)
Anyway, I hope I like the new books. I've read a lot of crappy fantasy in the past year--I do not like Ann McCaffrey's Pern books much and I gave them a fair chance (borrowed from grad student son's shelves.) I tried a British youth series, The Dark is Rising--bah! Lots of potential but it managed to be just plain boring. I've read all of Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series but it's gotten so darned convoluted that I don't think I'll read the next one. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm a book addict and I'm sure I'll buy it just because I have all of the rest.
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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