We returned to school on Monday, Jan. 4 for staff development. Like all days devoted to staff development, it was fairly boring. Half of our morning was spent was spent in the library, where there was no heat to be found. None. We were all sitting there, wearing coats and gloves. (Ever try to pretend to take notes wearing woolen gloves? Not so easy.) During our first break, I pointed out to the princiPal that I had heat in my classroom, trying to subtly suggest a change of venue. It flew right over her head. Undaunted, I now went with the direct approach: "You know, princiPal, I have heat and plenty of room for everyone in my classroom". Ah-ha. She got it. Everyone moved to my room for the remaining hour and we cranked up the heat to 80 (a violation of system's 74 degree policy). It's so much more fun to be bored when you're warm!
Tuesday, Jan. 5--School resumed and totally ruined my birthday. ;) It happens every year (or near enough), so I'm used to it. After hugs and "What'd you get for Christmas?" queries all around, we jumped right back into the curriculum. Things went surprisingly well--everyone was on task and eager to learn.
About 10 o'clock, one of my sweetie girls came up to me with a $100 bill. "Is this real?" she asked. Yep, by golly it was! When I asked her where she had gotten, she said a girl on the bus had given it to her. I thought, "WTF!" but I said, "What on Earth!" I called the Lead Teacher (P.E. coach who handles discipline) and his exact words were "Hoo Boy!" I sent Sweetie Girl off to see him after reassuring her that she was not in trouble. Turns out a girl from another class had taken the hundred and a $10 bill from her mother's wallet and given them away while on the bus. (My husband said that the girl who only got ten dollars was really ripped off. ;)) The money was held in the office until the mother could retrieve it. We speculate that she was trying to make friends. Thank goodness for the honesty of my student--or was it really naivety?
Wednesday--My class walked in chatting away and stayed chatty for the rest of the day. Why? There was snow in the forecast, and that was all that their little brains could focus on for the rest of the day. We get snow rarely enough around here, and the forecast was for from 2-4 inches. Visions of snowballs danced in their heads!
Even though not a flake had fallen yet, all of the surrounding school systems decided to cancel school for the next day by Wednesday evening. Not mine. I think they like to wake us up with an automated phone call at 5:30 A.M.--at least that's what they did on Thursday morning. >:(
So, the snow came on Thursday--the entire half-inch of it. We were closed because the streets were slippery with snow that had stuck immediately. As the temperature fell that afternoon, the roads re-froze and, wonder of wonders, for the first time ever, school was cancelled the day before instead of the morning of! Seems lots of parents grumbled about having to find day care at the last minute, and my school system is nothing if not reactive to parental complaints.
So, to recap: I was off for Christmas break for 2 weeks (16 days), came back for 1 staff development day and 2 school days, and then enjoyed a 4-day weekend. I won't remember how to get through an entire week next week. I think several naps will be required!
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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