School's out; our final day was Friday. We always end semesters with a half day, and it's become a tradition at our school to let our students have a dodge ball tournament on half days. It's easy enough to do with just 2 grade levels at our school and it helps burn up the time!
My classes have, before this year, never won even one game in the tournament. The coach picked the teams and the rest of the students had to watch as the "lucky 12" competed. It sucked big time for the unchosen few.
This year, coach left the team picking to the teachers. I couldn't bring myself to exclude anyone, so I made sure that everyone had an opportunity to play. I rotated players in and out after each game--everyone got to play at least 3 games. My students were elated. Perhaps because they were so happy, they played unbelievably well. We actually won the tournament and are now the reigning 4th grade champs! Their joy was boundless. We ended up by celebrating with a whole class game, boys against the girls.
So, yay team! We've got bragging rights about something, even if it's not making the best benchmark scores!
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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