- Sweet Guy--cried on the first day of school because he was afraid of fourth grade. He's usually happy-go-lucky and an avid student. I like him alot, more for his attitude than his scholarliness. Happy kids are a blessing to be around.
- Sweet Girl--hugs me a lot, always when I'm least expecting it. She means well, though, so I try not to jump to the ceiling when she comes up from behind. I'm the sort who never wants anyone to touch my back.
- Big Girl--I was afraid Big Girl and I wouldn't get along. She came to me with the reputation of being a hallway roamer--leaving to use the restroom and never coming back. She also has a reputation as a behavior problem. She is very low and I think leaving the classroom was a respite for her. I'll only let her leave the room with an aide or the Special Ed teacher, and we're working individually with her as much as possible. She's actually quite a sweet child, just hindered greatly by her first grade skills.
- My Acolyte--follows me around the room. I look to my left and there he is. Shy, nervous, and always over-thinking his conversations with me, he desperately wants my approval. I need to figure out a way to let him know he's OKAY with me without giving him permission to hang on me all day long. Tricky situation.
- Best Buds--one of them is new to our state; the other is an outgoing boy I asked to be his friend on the first day of school. Now they're inseparable, but both are good kids--do their work and mind their own business--so it's not a problem. You'd never know they've only known each other for three weeks.
- Princess--perfect hair, lovely girl. Unfortunately, a no-gapper. Do you have these--low performance because of low IQ and, therefore, not Special Ed? Bless her heart, she tries.
- Wise Guy--don't let the name fool you--he is very wise but has Asperger's so everything comes with a little twist. If I forget to dot an i, he notices and kindly points it out, every single time. He could be a big pain, but he's so sincere in everything he says and does that I just enjoy him.
Invisible Founders
7 years ago
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