What is an ISN? Well, the best answer is perhaps found here, at Mr. Saunders' site. The interactivity comes from the products students produce related to the daily notes they take. It will be more work for me, because I don't think I can create notes very well "on the fly", but I think it may provide my students, especially my inclusion students, with the support they need to succeed. I still have some questions about grading (some worksheets will be necessary, I think) and I worry that I won't be doing enough to turn the learning over to them--I'm a great one for jumping in and telling the answer. But, I'm going to tuck in my chin, buy 100 composition notebooks, and figure this out as I go along.
Other helpful sites I've found regarding ISNs are:
- an interactive notebook wikispace
- a discussions at ProTeacher here, here, and here
- Mrs. Heaton's blog, where she writes extensively and uses lots of pictures to show everyone her ideas on ISNs